
Doddle can process multiple queues and each one can have a different priority.

Implementation details

The priority for a queue is a value between 0 and 1. The lower the number, the higher the priority.

Queue names must only consist of lowercase letters, digits, underscore, and dash (since 1.7.6) characters only.

A queue can also be locked and unlocked. Workers will be not pick up jobs associated to a queue that has been locked.

Defining queues

Queues can be defined by using the client:

client.queues().create(options -> {
   return options.name("high")


Fetch queues

List<Queue> all = client.queues().all();

Fetch a queue by its identifier

String id = "56c8576b-ca5d-49ec-b0d8-029074a0f18a";
Optional<Queue> queue = client.queues().id(id);

Fetch a queue by its name

Optional<Queue> queue = client.queues().name("high");

Delete a queue

This will throw an error if there are jobs associated to the queue

String id = "56c8576b-ca5d-49ec-b0d8-029074a0f18a";

Delete all queues

If a queue has jobs associated to it then it will not be deleted


Lock and unlock queues


Last updated